Wednesday, December 14, 2011

NFC where to now ?

NFC is the nearly technology at the moment. Payment systems are being pushed, but people may not really want to use their phone for everything, especially when they already have touch to pay systems. Maybe other applications like four squary sort of things ie location and presence based systems may be more appropriate, or maybe NFC phones will just be used to identify the serial number of your fridge !

Monday, November 28, 2011

Farewell Charlie Walton

Charlie Walton was a true pioneer of RFID - he has just passed away aged 89. One of his first inventions was an RFID- based door unlocking  device - and this is probably still the most familiar application for most people.
More at : One interesting of his life is that he was very much an "inventor", and this is certainly something that inspires young people, perhaps more than ISO standards or ROI.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Friday afternoon apps for RFID

Great one this - for $200 (US) have a permanent reminder your dearly departed for the mobile-phone using generation .No word on upgrades should formats change.
 If drowning your sorrows (see above) why not visit  the cheeky pub in Georgia USA - self service thanks to RFID ...
Still awainting results of NFC payment trials and no definitive news as to whether Apple will support NFC in Iphone 5.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Birds and bees

Birds being frozen chickens which you could buy via the new GOOGLE android NFC electronic wallet.
 Techy details here -
Bees - 13.56 MHz RFID tag equipped  bees (

Sunday, April 17, 2011

NFC and Google

the NFC forum have produced a report on deploying NFC to make a sort of minority report-lite  environment. the Register is still skeptical but Google seems to be investing heavily in this area. Killer application still seems a way away but I don't seem able to get my phone to read QR tags so who knows !

Thursday, April 14, 2011

More on RFID in fiction

RFID is becoming the deus -ex machina of choice for many TV shows - Hawaii 5-0 had  a storyline where the baddies were triathletes, and our heros were tracking them via the championchip device  complete with bleeping point on electronic map. However the dastards had swapped them and so there was more running etc. until good triumphed. Whether this increases or decreases RFID acceptability remains to be seen

Monday, February 7, 2011

some videos from the BBC

One about payments via NFC , the other about couterfeit goods tracing (or in fact legitimate goods tracing)